Thursday, May 7, 2015

Library News for May 2015

Air 27 @ ADMC

An interesting object has landed in the ADMC Library. It is the Air 27 and is part of a collaborative project initiated by the Teaching and Learning Department, and Curriculum Development. We are lucky enough to trial it in ADMC. Students and faculty are able to book this space and provide us with valuable feedback by filling in a survey after use. In this space you can do: 

• collaborative team work
• concentrated personal work
• Small presentations
• Planning work with the white board
• Shared discussion
• Media work
• Quiet discussion

We are also hoping to set up some inter college collaborations with Sharjah Men’s College who were lucky enough to trial one too.

Library Week @ ADMC

Library Week was celebrated at ADMC from 12-16 April 2015. The theme was "Unlimited Possibilities @ Your Library". So, in spirit with the theme, several displays and activities were organized to show students how greatness could be achieved by using your library!

Biographical books of great people were displayed alongside short descriptions of of the persons on a screen; and there was a daily showing of a movie/documentary that highlighted the life of someone who exceeded their possibilities. We also challenged students to build a paper plane that could fly 12 meters; and we had two demonstrations of a very advanced camera drone!