Monday, August 31, 2015

Library News for September 2015


Welcome back to ADMC Library and we hope all our new students have had a chance to visit the library, as well as our returning students. There have been a few nice changes in the library to start the new academic year.

Collaboration and Technology

Our new table in the main area has laptops available but will also allow you to bring your own device, plug in and get to work right away using inlaid power sockets and USB plugs. We also have a collaborative area which allows you to work in teams and connect to the LED screen. Together you can work on your projects, or showcase some work you have been doing to your friends or teacher. 

Some Reminders….

All our computers have a deep freeze program installed. That means any work you save to the desktop will be gone by the end of the day. Also any unsaved work will not be saved if the computers should suddenly shut down. Please save your work to D Drive right from the start if you are using a library computer to do your work.

The library can get pretty noisy sometimes. The ILC area is a space only for quiet study and we will always be checking that students working in this area continue to work quietly. So please use this area if you find the main space in the library is too noisy for you.